
The views expressed here are those of the writers. ONE's readers cover a wide range of geographical, economic, age, and educational status. This department aims to express this diversity.

Dear Sirs:

Believe me, even in Europe, in Belgium, ONE becomes our magazine. You are doing. much good here... I do esteem it a privilege. to help and participate in your cause.

Dear Editors:

Mr. J.


The Layman is quick to use terms of "Perverted" and "Degenerate" when speaking about Homosexuals. However, we are used to this; for how many layman do you know who will speak on almost any subject and especially on those of which they know nothing about?

The military and the politicos who cry and wail about the "Queers" in the service of their country might well consider the fact that many of these so-called deviates served their country honorably ana some of us with distinction!

This firm is dedicated to the service of all peoples regardless of race, color, creed or sexual desires. In my practice, I have found homosexuals not only to be excellent employees, but better qualified in most instances to work under pressure. The reason for this is simply that living a dual existence requires more understanding of human nature than most individuals realize.

Someday, somehow, people all over the world will realize that all the "Fairies" are not in the bottom of the garden. Some people will learn that they cannot disown their children, drop their friends or carry the torch of righteousness without first looking in a mirror.

Keep up the good work and if my company can be of any service please feel free to call on me personally.

Dear Miss Reid:

Dr. R.


Just a note to thank you and your associates for one of the most constructive articles I've read in many a long year, and I


ref r in particular to the Volume No. 6, JuneJuly publication for this year containing the article entitled the "Older Homosexual." Wiliran Nicols ought to receive an accoladebut for now a sincere vote of thanks is forthcoming from this quarter.

Not having reached the august age brackets depicted in the article but having been acquainted with this problem in parish life and elsewhere, I did find myself wondering what constructive view one might take-what could one say by way of thoughtful, sincere advice when the occasion demanded some directive what should or could I think-we all must face advanced years, sooner or later. Wilfran Nicols has set forth a neat concise answer and I for one am filing it with the utmost care.

So with the sincere hope that many will recognize the immense value of this article, and trusting you will relay my deep appreciation to the author and accept my personal thanks, I am,

Dear Friends:

Yours very sincerely,


The article on the "aunties" was, I thought, an excellent one. That's the sort of thing ONE ought to have a lot more of.

A comment for "Mr. A. C., Galveston, Texas (June-July, 1957):

"Your letter has me all perplexed. Are homos 'male and female' sexed? If so, please sort them out for me. It's a puzzle, Mr. A. C.

Please don't impose on our good nature By using such loose nomenclature.

Miss?... Mr.? H." After all, our interests should be parallel. Let's get the job done before we start trying to divide ourselves up. I can think of several other ways of making a division, when such a time comes.